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Welcome to Ashdown House


Welcome to Ashdown House! We are so glad to have you join our community. As Housemasters we have the privilege of living with you here at Ashdown.

Allow us to introduce ourselves: Adam, a professor in Political Science at MIT since 2003, studies public opinion and political behavior. Deirdre is a licensed clinical psychologist who has worked at Boston Children’s Hospital for ten years. We have two children — Benjamin, 8, and Lila, 5.

Also welcoming you to Ashdown House are our Associate Heads of House: Mariana, an Assistant Professor of Urban Planning and Public Health in the Department of Urban Studies and Planning at MIT, and Alex, an Associate Professor at North Shore Community College and Senior Environmental Scientist at Proactive Environmental Solutions, LLC. Mariana and Alex have two children, Max and Leo

We look forward to getting to know all of you. Please introduce yourselves at Coffee Hour, every Thursday at 9 pm in the Hulsizer Room, or elsewhere in Ashdown. We are eager to learn about where you are from, what you are studying and your experiences as graduate students at MIT. We would also like to hear your ideas of how we can make your stay at Ashdown more pleasant and more interesting. We are also here to be a support to you in any ways you might need. We are planning occasional dinners and other events in our apartment. We will let you know well in advance as these become scheduled.

Feel free to contact us any time in our apartment, Suite 5047, or call us at 617-225-9195. Adam's email is berinsky (at), Deirdre's email is delogan (at)

Associate Housemasters Associate Housemasters

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